Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Department of Medical Biometry
Dr. Reinhard Vonthein's Publications
VONTHEIN, R.: Classes of Influential Observations. In: KLAR, R., OPITZ O. (Eds.): Classification and Knowledge Organization. Proc. 20th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation, University of Freiburg, March 6-8, 1996. Heidelberg: Springer, 1997. 223-230
VONTHEIN, R.: Modelldiagnose in der Bayesschen Inferenz. Dissertation Basel University. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1999.
BISCHOFF, H.A., STÄHELIN, H.B., VOGT, P., FRIEDRICH, P., VONTHEIN, R., TYNDALL, A., THEILER, R.: Immobility as a Major Cause of Bone Remodeling in Residents of a Long-Stay Geriatric Ward. Calcified Tissue International 64. 1999. 485-489
BISCHOFF, H.A., STÄHELIN, H.B., URSCHELER, N., EHRSAM, R., VONTHEIN, R., PERRIG-CHIELLO, P., TYNDALL, A., THEILER, R.: Muscle Strength in the Elderly: Its Relation to Vitamin D Metabolites. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 80. 1999. 54-58
LEUSCHNER, R.M., CHRISTEN, H., JORDAN, P., VONTHEIN, R.: 30 years of studies of grass pollen in Basel (Switzerland). Aerobiologia 16. 2000. 381-391
MEHNERT, F., PEREIRA, P.L., ERDTMANN, B., HAHN, U., KOPP, A.F., VONTHEIN, R., GEORG, C., CLAUSSEN, C.D.: Hochauflösende Mehrschicht-CT der Lunge: Vergleich mit HRCT-Einzelschichten. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 172. 2000. 972-977
SCHIEFER, U., SCHILLER, J., PAETZOLD, J., DIETRICH, T.J., VONTHEIN, R., BESCH, D.: Evaluation ausgedehnter Gesichtsfelddefekte mittels computerassistierter kinetischer Perimetrie. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 218. 2001. 13-20
FRIESE , S., KRAPF , H., FETTER , M., VONTHEIN, R., SKALEJ, M., KÜKER, M.: Kontrasangehobene MR-Angiographie (CE-MRA): Verbessern Kontrastmittel mit höherer T1-Relaxivität die Darstellung von Karotisstenosen? Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 173. 2001. 542-546
LUBOLDT, W., LUZ, O., VONTHEIN, R., HEUSCHMID, M., SEEMANN, M., SCHAEFER, J., STUEKER, M., CLAUSSEN, C.D.: Three-dimensional double-contrast MR colonography: A display method simulating double-contrast barium enema. American Journal of Roentgenology 176. 2001. 930-932
SCHOLL, H. P. N., KREMERS, J., VONTHEIN, R., WHITE, K., WEBER, B.H.F.: L- and M-cone-driven electroretinograms in Stargardt's macular dystrophy - fundus flavimaculatus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 42. 2001. 1380-1389
SCHWABE, R., VONTHEIN, R., SCHIEFER, U., ATA, N., PAETZOLD, J.: Modelling the hill of vision. In: WALL, M., MILLS, R. P. (Eds.): Perimetry Update 2000/2001: Proceedings of the XIVth International Perimetric Society Meeting, Halifax (NS), Canada, September 6-9, 2000. Den Haag: Kugler, 2001. 71-79
SCHIEFER, U., SCHILLER, J., DIETRICH, T.J., BESCH, D., PAETZOLD, J., VONTHEIN, R.: Evaluation of advanced visual field loss with computer-assisted kinetic perimetry. In: WALL, M., MILLS, R. P. (Eds.): Perimetry Update 2000/2001: Proceedings of the XIVth International Perimetric Society Meeting, Halifax (NS), Canada, September 6-9, 2000. Den Haag: Kugler, 2001. 131-136
GAERTNER, I., GAERTNER, H.J., VONTHEIN, R., DIETZ, K.: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Clozapine in Relapse Prevention: A Five-Year Prospective Study. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 21. 2001. 305-310
SCHIEFER, U., STRASBURGER, H., BECKER, S.T., VONTHEIN, R., SCHILLER, J., DIETRICH, T.J., HART, W.: Reaction time in automated kinetic perimetry: effects of stimulus luminance, eccentricity, and movement direction. Vision Research 41. 2001. 2157-2164
KETTERING, K., DÖRNBERGER, V., LANG, R., VONTHEIN, R., SUCHALLA, R., BOSCH, R.F., MEWIS, C., EIGENBERGER, B., KÜHLKAMP, V.: Enhanced detection criteria in implantable cardioverter-defibrillators: Sensitivity and specifity of the stability algorithm at different heart rates. Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology 24. 2001. 1325-1333
BISCHOFF, H.A., CONZELMANN, M., LINDEMANN, D., SINGER-LINDPAINTER, L., STUCKI, G., VONTHEIN, R., DICK, W., THEILER, R., STAHELIN, H.B. Self-reported exercise before age 40: Influence on quantitative skeletal ultrasound and fall risk in the elderly. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 82. 2001. 801-806
SCHIEFER, U., MALSAM, A., FLAD, M., STUMPP, F., DIETRICH, T.J., PAETZOLD, J., VONTHEIN, R., KNORR, M., DENK, P.O. Evaluation of glaucomatous visual field loss with locally condensed grids using fundus-oriented perimetry (FOP). European Journal of Ophthalmology 11. 2001. S57-S62
SCHOLL, H.P.N., BESCH, D., VONTHEIN, R., WEBER, B.H.F., APFELSTEDT-SYLLA, E.: Alterations of slow and fast rod ERG signals in patients with molecularly confirmed Stargardt disease type 1. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 43. 2002. 1248-1256
ELTZSCHIG, H.K., SCHRÖDER, T.H., EISSLER, B.J., FELBINGER, T.W., VONTHEIN, R., EHLERS, R., GUGGENBERGER, H.: The effect of remifentanil or fentanyl on postoperative vomiting and pain in children undergoing strabismus surgery Anesthesia and Analgesia 94. 2002. 1173-1177
SCHOLL, H.P.N., SCHUSTER, A.M., VONTHEIN, R., ZRENNER, E.: Mapping of retinal function in Best macular dystrophy using multifocal electroretinography. Vision Research 42. 2002. 1053-1061
GAERTNER, I., GAERTNER, H.J., VONTHEIN, R., DIETZ, K.: Prospective 6-year trial with clozapine: Negative symptoms in outpatients with schizophrenia improve despite intermittent positive symptoms Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology 22. 2002. 437-438
KETTERING, K., MEWIS, C., DÖRNBERGER, V., LANG, R., VONTHEIN, R., BOSCH, R.F., KÜHLKAMP, V.: Efficacy of Metoprolol and Solatol in the prevention of recurrences of sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology 25. 2002. 1571-1576
LUBOLDT, W., MANN, C., TRYON, C.L., VONTHEIN, R., STUEKER, M., KROLL, M., LUZ, O., CLAUSSEN, C.D., VOGL, T.J.: Computer-aided diagnosis in contrast-enhanced CT colonography: an approach based on contrast. European Radiology 12. 2002. 2236-2241
DÖLLER, P.C., DIETRICH, K., FILIPP, N., BROCKMANN, S., DREWECK, C., VONTHEIN, R., WAGNER-WIENING, C., WIEDENMANN, A.: Cyclosporiasis outbreak in Germany associated with the consumption of salad. Emerging Infectious Diseases 8. 2002. 992-994
SCHÄFER, J.F., VOLLMAR, J., SCHICK, F., SEEMANN, M.D., MEHNERT, F., VONTHEIN, R., AEBERT, H., CLAUSSEN, C.D.: Bildgebende Diagnostik solitärer Lungenrundherde am offenen Niederfeld-MRT - Ein Vergleich zweier MR-Sequenzen mit der Spiral-CT. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 174. 2002. 1107-1114
KOHNKE, M.D., ZABETIAN, C.P., ANDERSON, G.M., KOLB, W., GAERTNER, I., BUCHKREMER, G., VONTHEIN, R., SCHICK, S., LUTZ, U., KOHNKE, A.E., CUBELLS, J.F.: A genotype-controlled analysis of plasmadopamine beta-hydroxylase in healthy and evidence subjects: Evidence for alcohol-related differences in noradrenergic funtion. Biological Psychiatry 52(12). 2002. 1151-1158
HEUSCHMID, M., LUZ, O., SCHÄFER, J.F., STÜCKER, D., VONTHEIN, R., LUBOLDT, W., CLAUSSEN, C.D., SEEMANN, M.D.: Comparison of volume-rendered and surface-rendered MR colonography. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 2(1). 2003. 13-17
HORGER, M., ESCHMANN, S.M., PFANNENBERG, C., STOREK, D., DAMMANN, F., VONTHEIN, R., CLAUSSEN, C.D., BARES, R.: The value of SPET/CT in chronic osteomyelitis. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 30(12). 2003. 1665-1673
JOHST, U., BETSCH, A., WISKIRCHEN, J., SCHÖBER, W., VONTHEIN, R., RINKERT, N., KEHLBACH, R., CLAUSSEN, C.D., DUDA, S.H.: All-trans and 9-cis retinoid acids inhibit proliferation, migration, and synthesis of extracellular matrix of human vascular smooth muscle cells by inducing differentiation in vitro. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 41(4). 2003. 526-535
KÖHNKE, M.D., WIATR, G., KOLB, W., KÖHNKE, A.E., SCHICK, S., LUTZ, U., VONTHEIN, R., GAERTNER, I.: Plasma homovanillic acid: A significant association with alcoholism is independent of a functional polymorphism of the human chatechol-O-methyltransferase gene. Neuropsychopharmacology 28. 2003. 1004-1010
KÖTTER, I., ZIERHUT, M., ECKSTEIN, A. K., VONTHEIN, R., NESS, T., GÜAYDIN, I., GRIMBACHER, B., BLASCHKE, S., MEYER-RIEMANN, W., PETER, H. H., STÜBIGER, N.: Human recombinant interferon alfa-2a for the treatment of Behcet's disease with sight threatening posterior or panuveitis. British Journal of Ophtalmology 87. 2003. 423-431
KÖTTER, I., VONTHEIN, R., GÜNAYDIN, I., MÜLLER, C., KANZ, L., ZIERHUT, M., STÜBIGER, N.: Behcet's disease in patients of German and Turkish origin - A comparative study. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 528. 2003. 53-58
KÖTTER, I., ZIERHUT, M., ECKSTEIN, A. K., VONTHEIN, R., NESS, T., GÜAYDIN, I., GRIMBACHER, B., BLASCHKE, S., PETER, H. H., STÜBIGER, N.: Human recombinant interferon alfa-2a (rhIFN alpha 2a) for the treatment of Behcet's disease with sight threatening retinal vasculitis. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 528. 2003. 521-523
PFANNENBERG, A.C., ESCHMANN, M.S., HORGER, M., VONTHEIN, R., LAMBERTS, R., CLAUSSEN, C.D., BARES, R.: Benefit of anatomical-functional image fusion in the diagnostic work-up of neuroendocrine neoplasms. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 30(6). 2003. 835-843
PLONTKE, S., SCHEIDERBAUER, H., VONTHEIN, R., PLINKERT, P.K., LÖWENHEIM, H., ZENNER, H.-P.: Erholung der Hörschwelle nach Knalltrauma durch Feuerwerkskörper und Signalpistolen. HNO 51. 2003. 245-250
SCHIEFER, U., FLAD, M., STUMPP, F., MALSAM, A., PAETZOLD, J., VONTHEIN, R., DENK, O., SAMPLE, P.A.: Increased detection rate of glaucomatous visual field damage with locally condensed grids: A comparison between fundus-oriented perimetry and conventional visual field examination. Archives of Ophtalmology 121. 2003. 458-463
TREUSCH, M., STÜBIGER, N., VONTHEIN, R., BAUR, M., KOCH, S., GÜNAYDIN, I., KANZ, L., ZIERHUT, M., KÖTTER, I.: Influence of interferon-alfa on lymphocyte subpopulations in Behcet's disease. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 528. 2003. 533-535
VONTHEIN, R.: Buchbesprechung "Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models", FAHRMEIR, L., TUTZ, G. Metrika 58(3). 2003. 313-314
WOLF, S.C., MAYER, O., JURGENS, S., VONTHEIN, R., SCHULTZE, G., RISLER, T., BREHM, B.R.: Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA seropositivity is associated with increased risk for artherosclerotic vascular disease, myocardial infarction and stroke in dialysis patients. Clinical Nephrology 59. 2003. 273-279
HORGER, M., ESCHMANN, M.S., PFANNENBERG, C., VONTHEIN, R., BESENFELDER, H., CLAUSSEN, C.D., BARES, R.: Evaluation of combined transmission and emission tomography for classification of skeletal lesions. American Journal of Roentgenology 183. 2004. 655-661
KETTERING, K., MEWIS, C., DÖRNBERGER, V., VONTHEIN, R., BOSCH, R.F., SEIPEL, L., KÜHLKAMP, V.: Long-term experience with subcutaneous ICD leads: A comparison among three different types of subcutaneous leads. Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology 27. 2004. 1355-1361
KÖTTER, I., VONTHEIN, R., GÜNAYDIN, I., MÜLLER, C.A., ZIERHUT, M., STÜBIGER, N.: Behcet's disease in patients of German and Turkish origin living in Germany - A comparative analysis. The Journal of Rheumatology 31. 2004. 133-139
KÖTTER, I., VONTHEIN, R., ZIERHUT, M., ECKSTEIN, A. K., NESS, T., GÜNAYDIN, I., GRIMBACHER, B., BLASCHKE, S., PETER, H. H., STÜBIGER, N.: Differential efficacy of human recombinant interferon-alpha2a on ocular and extraocular manifestations of Behcet disease: Results of an open 4-center trial. Seminars in Arthritis ans Rheumatism 33(5). 2004. 331-319
LUZ, O., SCHÄFER, J., DAMMANN, F., VONTHEIN, R., CAUSEN C. D.: Evaluation of different 16-row detector CT colonography protocols using a porcine model. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 176. 2004. 1493-1500
MAASSEN, M. M., RODRIGUES, ., JORGE, J., HERBERHOLD, S., VONTHEIN, R., ZIMMERMANN, R., BAUMANN,I I., BROSCH, S., MAUZ, P. S., PFISTER, M., ZALAMAN I. M., LOWENHEIM H., ZENNER H. P.: Safe and reliable sound threshold measures with direct vibration of the ossicular chain. The Laryngoscope 114(11). 2004. 2012-2020
PFANNENBERG, A.C., OECHSLE, K., KOLLMANNSBERGER, C., DOHMEN, B.M., BOKEMEYER, C., BARES, R., VONTHEIM, R., CLAUSSEN, C.D.: [18F] FDG-Pet, CT/MRT und Tumormarker als prädiktive Indikatoren für das Ansprechen unter Hochdosis-Chermotherapie bei Patienten mit metastasierten Keimzelltumoren. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 176. 2004. 76-84
PFANNENBERG, A.C., OECHSLE, K., BOKEMEYER, C., KOLLMANNSBERGER, C., DOHMEN, B.M., BARES, R., HARTMANN, J.T., VONTHEIN, R., CLAUSSEN, C.D.: The role of [(18)F] FDG-Pet, CT/MRI and tumor marker kinetics in the evaluation of post chemotherapy residual masses in germ cell tumors - prospects for management. World Journal of Urology 22. 2004. 132-139
REINHARD, J., SCHREIBER, A., SCHIEFER, U., VONTHEIN, R., TRAUZETTEL-KLOSINSKI, S.: Visuelles Restitutionstraining bei homonymer Hemianopsie. Zeitschrift für praktische Augenheilkunde 25. 2004. 305-312
SCHÄFER, J.F., VOLLMAR, J., SCHICK, F., VONTHEIN, R., SEEMANN, M.D., AEBERT, H., DIERKSMANN, R., FRIEDEL, G., CLAUSSEN, C.D.: Solitary pulmonary nodules: Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging - perfusion differences in malignant and benign lesions. Radiology 232(2). 2004. 545-553
SCHIEFER, U., VONTHEIN, R., KRAPP, D., PAETZOLD, J.: Zeitgemäß oder Zeitverschwendung? Der Einsatz der konventionellen Perimetrie bei beginnendem Glaukom. Ophthalmologische Nachrichten 07/2004. 12
TREUSCH, M., VONTHEIN, R., BAUR, M., GÜNAYDIN, I., KOCH, S., STÜBIGER, N., ECKSTEIN, A. K., PETER, H. H., NESS, T., ZIERHUT, M., KÖTTER, I.: Influence of human recombinant interferon-a2a (rhIFN-a2a) on altered lymphocyte subpopulations and monocytes in Behcet's disease. Rheumatology 43. 2004. 1275-1282
UHLEMANN, A.-C., SZLEZAK, N. A., VONTHEIN, R., TOMIUK, J., EMMER, S. A., LELL, B., KREMSNER, P. G., KUN, J. F. J.: DNA phasing by TA dinucleotide microsatellite length determines in vitro and in vivo expression of the gp91phox subunit of NADPH oxidase and mediates protection against severe malaria. Journal of Infectious Diseases 189. 2004. 2227-2234
BECKER, S.,T., VONTHEIN, R., VOLPE, N.J., SCHIEFER, U.: Factors influencing reaction time during automated kinetic perimetry on the Tübingen Computer Campimeter. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 46(7). 2005. 2633-2638
GRAEPLER, F., LEMKEN, M.-L., WYBRANIETZ, W.A., SCHMIDT, U., SMIRNOW, I., GROß, C.D., SPIEGEL, M., SCHENK, A., GRAF, H., LAUER, U.A., VONTHEIN, R., GREGOR, M., BITZER, M., ARMEANU, S., LAUER, U.M.: Bifunctional chimeric SuperCD suicide gene (YCD::YUPRT fusion) is highly effective in a rat hepatoma model. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 11(44). 2005. 6910-6919
GRAEPLER, F., VERBEEK, B., GRAETER, T., SMIRNOW, I., KONG, H.L., SCHUPPAN, D., BAUER, M., VONTHEIN, R., GREGOR, M., LAUER, U.M.: Combined endostatin/sFlt-1 antiangiogenetic gene therapy is highly effective in a rat model of HCC. Hepatology. 41. 2005. 879-886.
HORGER, M., CLAUSSEN, C.D., BROSS-BACH, U., VONTHEIN, R., TRABOLD, T., HEUSCHMID, M., PFANNENBERG, C.: Whole-body low-dose multidetector row-CT in the diagnosis of multiple myeloma: an alternative to conventional radiography. European Journal of Radiology. 54 2005. 289-297.
HORGER, M., EINSELE, H., SCHUMACHER, U., WEHRMANN, M., HEBART, H., LENGERKE, C., VONTHEIN, R., CLAUSSEN, C.D., PFANNENBERG, C.: Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis: frequency and meaning of the "hypodense sign" on unenhanced CT. The British Journal of Radiology. 78. 2005. 697-703.
HORGER, M., HEBART, H., EINSELE, H., LENGERKE, C., CLAUSSEN, C.D., VONTHEIN, R., PFANNENBERG, C.: Initial CT manifestations of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in 45 non-HIV immunocompromised patients: association with paitent outcome. European Journal of Radiology. 55. 2005. 437-444
KÖTTER, I., KOCH, S., VONTHEIN, R., RÜCKWALDT, U., AMBERGER, M., GÜNAYDIN, I., ZIERHUT, M., STÜBIGER, N.: Cytokines, cytokine antagonists and soluble adhesion molecules in patients with ocular Behcet's disease treated with human recombinant interferon-a2a. Results of an open study and review of literature. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. 23(Suppl. 38). 2005. S20-S26
MARTIN, D.D., VONTHEIN, R., WILHELM, H., SCHIEFER, U.: Pupil size and Perimetry - a pharmacological model using increment and decrement stimuli. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol.. 243(11). 2005. 1091-1097
NOWOMIEJSKA, K., VONTHEIN, R., PAETZOLD, J., ZAGORSKI, Z., KARDON, R., SCHIEFER, U.: Comparison between semiautomated kinetic perimetry and conventional Goldmann manual kinetic perimetry in advanced visual field loss. Ophthalmology 112. 2005. 1343-1354
REINHARD, J., SCHREIBER, A., SCHIEFER, U., KASTEN, E., SABEL, B.A., KENKEL, S., VONTHEIN, R., TRAUZETTEL-KLOSINSKI, S.: Does visual restitution training change absolute homonymous visual field defects? A fundus controlled study. British Journal of Ophthalmology. 89. 2005. 30-35
SCHÄFER, J.F., KLUBA, T., NIEMEYER, T., HAHNFELDT, T., VONTHEIN, R., KOTTKE, R., KAMM, K.F., CLAUSSEN, C.D.: Comparison of conventional full spine radiographs and fluoroscopic scanning method in young patients with idiopathic scoliosis ROFO-Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der Bildgebenden Verfahren. 177(8). 2005. 1110-1115
WAGNER, W., HEPPELMANN, G., KUEHN, M., TISCH, M., VONTHEIN, R., ZENNER, H.-P.: Olivocochlear activity and temporary threshold shift-susceptibility in humans. The Laryngoscope. 115. 2005. 2021-2028
BRODOEFEL, H., VOGEL, M., HEBART, H., EINSELE, H., VONTHEIN, R., CLAUSSEN, C., HORGER, M.: Long-term CT follow-up in 40 non-HIV immunocompromised patients with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis: Kinetics of CT morphology and correlation with clinical findings and outcome. American Journal of Roentgenology. 187. 2006. 404-413
DOLDERER, J., VONTHEIN, R., JOHNSON, C.A., SCHIEFER, U., HART, W.: Scotoma mapping by semi-automated kinetic perimetry - The effects of stimulus properties and the spread of subjects' responses. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica. 84. 2006. 338-344
ESCHMANN, S.M., FRIEDEL, G., PAULSEN, F., REIMOLD, M., HEHR, T., BUDACH, W., SCHEIDERBAUER, J., MACHULLA, H.J., DITTMANN, H., VONTHEIN, R., BARES, R.: Is standardised 18F-FDG uptake value an outcome predictor in patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer? European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 33(3). 2006. 263-269, 289
GUGGENBERGER, H., SCHRÖDER, T.H., VONTHEIN, R., DIETERICH, H.J., SHERNAN, S.K., ELTZSCHIG, H.K.: Remifentanil or sufentanil for coronary surgery: comparison of postoperative respiratory impairment. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 23(10). 2006. 832-840
HORGER, M.S., PFANNENBERG, C. EINSELE, H., BECK, R., HEBART, H., LENGERKE, C., VONTHEIN, R., WEHRMANN, M., FAUL, C., CLAUSSEN, C.D.: Cytomegalovirus pneumonia after stem cell transplantation: correlation of CT findings with clinical outcome in 30 patients. American Journal of Roentgenology. 187(6). 2006. 636-643
KETTERING, K., AL-GHOBAINY, R., WEHRMANN, M., VONTHEIN, R., MEWIS, C.: Atrial Linear Lesions: Feasibility Using Cryoablation. Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology. 29. 2006. 283-289
KÖHNKE, M., SCHICK, S., LUTZ, U., KÖHNKE, A., VONTHEIN, R., KOLB, W., BATRA, A.: The polymorphism GABABR1 T1974C [rs29230] of the GABAB receptor gene is not associated with the diagnosis of alcohol withdrawal seizures. Addiction Biology. 11(2). 2006 152-156
KÖTTER, I., GÜNAYDIN, I., BATRA, M., VONTHEIN, R., STÜBIGER, N., FIERRLBECK, G., MELMS, A.: CNS involvement occurs more frequently in patients with Behcet's disease under cyclosporin A (CSA) than under other medications-results of a retrospective analysis of 117 cases. Clinical Rheumatology. 25(4). 2006 482-486
RENNEKAMPFF, H.-O., RABBELS, J., VONTHEIN, R., BECKER. S. T., SCHALLER, H.-E.: Comparing the Vancouver Scar Scale with the Cutometer in the assessment of donor site wounds treated with various dressings in a randomized trial. Journal of Burn Care Research. 2006. 345-351
RIETHMUELLER, J., BORTH-BRUHNS, T., KUMPF, M., VONTHEIN, R., WISKIRCHEN, J., STERN, M., HOFBECK, M., BADEN, W.: Recombinant human deoxyribonuclease shortens ventilation time in young, mechnically ventilated children. Pediatric Pulmonology. 41. 2006. 61-66
SCHÄFER, J.F., SCHNEIDER, V., VOLLMAR, J., WEHRMANN, M., AEBERT, H., FRIEDEL, G., VONTHEIN, R., SCHICK, F., CLAUSSEN, C.D.: Solitary pulmonary nodules: Association between signal characteristics in dynamic contrast enhanced MRI and tumor angiogenesis. Lung Cancer. 53(1). 2006. 39-49
SCHÄFER, J.F., VOLLMAR, J., WISKIRCHEN, J., ERDTMANN, B., VON RENTELN, D., VONTHEIN, R., SCHICK, F., CLAUSSEN, C.D., SEEMANN, M.D.: Differentiation between malignant and benign solitary pulmonary nodules with proton density weighted and EDG-gated magnetic resonance imaging. European Journal of Medical Research. 11(12). 2006. 527-533
SCHILLER, J., PAETZOLD, J., VONTHEIN, R., HART, W. M., KURTENBACH, A., SCHIEFER, U.: Quantification of stato-kinetic dissociation by semi-automated perimetry. Vision Research. 46. 2006. 117-128
SCHREIBER, A., VONTHEIN, R., REINHARD, J., TRAUZETTEL-KLOSINSKI, S., CONNNERT, C., SCHIEFER, U.: Effect of visual restitution training on absolute homonymous scotomas. Neurology. 67. 2006. 143-145
SINIS, N., SCHALLER, H. E., BECKER, S. T., LANARAS, T., SCHULTE-EVERSUM, C., MÜLLER, H. W., VONTHEIN, R., RÖSNER, H., HAERLE, M.: Cross-chest median nerve transfer: A new model for the evaluation of nerve regeneration across a 40mm gap in the rat. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 156(1-2). 2006. 166-172
AMBERGER, M., GROLL, S., GÜNAYDIN, I., DEUTER, C., VONTHEIN, R., KÖTTER, I.:, Intracellular cytokine patterns in Behcet's disease in comparison to ankylosing spondylitis--influence of treatment with interferon-alpha2a. Clinical and experimental rheumatology. Jul-Aug;25(4 Suppl 45). 2007. 52-7.
BECKER, S. T., WENDEL, H.P., VONTHEIN, R., RENNEKAMPF, H.O., AEBERT, H.: Inducible HSP70 levels in thoracic wound fluid indicate myocardial damage after open heart surgery. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery. 48(2). 2007. 233-237
BRANDT, N., KUHN, S., MÜNKNER, S., BRAIG, C., WINTER, H., BLIN, N., VONTHEIN, R., KNIPPER, M., ENGEL, J.: Thyroid hormone deficiency affects postnatal spiking activity and expression of CA2+ and K+ channels in rodent inner hair cells. The Journal of Neuroscience. 27(12). 2007. 3174-3186
ESCHWEILER, G. W., VONTHEIN, R., BODE, R., HUELL, M., CONCA, A., PETERS, O., MENDE-LECHLER, A., PETERS, J., KLECHA, D., PRAPOTNIK, M., DiPauli, J., WILD, B., PLEWNIA, C., BARTELS, M., SCHLOTTER, W.: Clinical efficacy and cognitive side effects of bifrontal versus right unilateral electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): A short term randomised controlled trial in pharmaco-resitant major depression. Journal of Affective Disorders. 101(1-3). 2007 149-57.
HORGER, M.S., ESCHMANN, S.M., PFANNENBERG, C., STOREK, D., VONTHEIN, R., CLAUSSEN, C.D., BARES, R.: Added value of SPECT/CT in patients suspected of having bone infection: preliminary results. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. 127(3). 2007. 211-221
HORGER, M.S., KANZ, L., DENECKE, B., VONTHEIN, R., PEREIRA, P., CLAUSSEN, C.D., DRIESSEN, C.: The benefit of using whole-body, low-dose, nonenhanced, multidetector computed tomography for follow-up and therapy response monitoring in patients with multiple myeloma. Cancer. 109. 2007. 1617-1626
LOOPUIJT, LD., FILHO, M., HIRT, B., VONTHEIN, R., KREMERS, I.:, Dendritic thickness: a morphometric parameter to classify mouse retinal ganglion cells. Brazilian journal of medical and biological research. 40(10). 2007. 1367-82.
PETERS, S., ALTVATER, A., BOPP , S., VONTHEIN, R., SZURMANN, P., SPITZER, M.S., WARGA, M., LUEKE, M., BARTZ-SCMIDT, K.U., GRISANTI, S.: Systematic evaluation of ICG and trypan blue related effects on ARPE-19 cells in vitro. Experimental Eye Research. 85(6). 2007. 880-889
PFANNENBERG, A.C., ASCHOFF, P., SCHANZ, S., ESCHMANN, S.M., PLATHOW, C., EIGENTLER, T.K., GARBE, C., BRECHTEL, K., VONTHEIN, R., BARES, R., CLAUSSEN, C.D., SCHLEMMER, H.P.: Prospective comparison of (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography and whole-body magnetic resonance imaging in staging of advanced malignant melanoma. European Journal of Cancer. 43(3). 2007. 557-564
SINIS, N., HAERLE, M., BECKER, S. T., SCHULTE-EVERSUM, C., VONTHEIN, R., RÖSNER, H., SCHALLER, M.: Neuroma formation in a rat median nerve model: Influence of distal stump and muscular coating Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 119. 2007. 960-966
VENTURELLI, S., ARMEANU, S., PATHIL, A., HSIEH, C.-J., WEISS, T.S., VONTHEIN, R., WEHRMANN, M., GREGOR, M., LAUER, U.M., BITZER, M.: Epigenetic combination therapy as a tumor-selective treatment approach for hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer.109(10). 2007. 2132-41.
VOLLMANN, H., WÖLFEL, S., OHNESEIT, P., STRANSKY, E., VONTHEIN, R., WICK, W., MEYERMANN, R., SIMON, P.: Differential expression of egr1 and activation of microglia following irradiation in the rat brain. Strahlentherapie und Onkololgie. 183(5). 2007. 248-55.
VONTHEIN, R., RAUSCHER, S., PAETZOLD, J., NOWOMIEJSKA, K., KRAPP, E., HERMANN, A., SADOWSKI, B., CHAUMETTE, C., WILD, J. M., SCHIEFER, U.: The normal age-corrected and reaction time-corrected isopter derived by semi-automated kinetic perimetry. Ophthalmology. 114. 2007. 1065-1072
WALKER, T., BAIL, D.H.L., GRULER, M., VONTHEIN, R., STEGER, V., ZIEMER, G.: Unsupported reduction ascending aortoplasty: Fate of diameter and of Windkessel function. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 83(3). 2007. 1047-1053
FAUCHÈRE, JC., DAME, C., VONTHEIN, R., KOLLER, B., ARRI, S., WOLF, M., BUCHER, HU.:, An approach to using recombinant erythropoietin for neuroprotection in very preterm infants. Pediatrics. 122(2).2008. 375-82
GRAEPLER, F., WOLTER, M., VONTHEIN, R., GREGROR, M.:, Accuracy of the size estimation in wireless capsule endoscopy: calibrating the M2A PillCam (with video). Gastrointest Endosc. 67(6). 2008. 924931
HERMANN, A., PAETZOLD, J., VONTHEIN, R., KRAPP, E., RAUSCHER, S., SCHIEFER, U.: Age-dependent normative values for differential luminance sensitivity in automated static perimetry using the Octopus 101. Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica. 86. 2008. 446-455
HORGER, M., PEREIRA, P., CLAUSSEN, CD., KANZ, L., VONTHEIN, R., DENECKE, B., DRIESSEN, C.:, Hyperattenuating bone marrow abnormalities in myeloma patients using whole-body non-enhanced low-dose MDCT: correlation with haematological parameters. Br J Radiol. 81(965). 2008. 386-396
KÖNIGSRAINER, I., BREDANGER, S., DREWEL-FROHNMEYER, R., VONTHEIN, R., KRUEGER, WA., KÖNIGSRAINER, A., UNERTL, KE., SCHROEDER, TH.: Audit of motor weakness and premature catheter dislodgement after epidural analgesia in major abdominal surgery. Anaesthesia. 2008
NEVALAINEN, J., KRAPP, E., PAETZOLD, J., MILDENBERGER, I., BESCH, D., VONTHEIN, R., KELTNER, J.L., JOHNSON, C.A., SCHIEFER, U.: Visual field defects in acute optic neuritis - distribution of different types of defect pattern, assessed with threshold-related supraliminal perimetry, ensuring high spatial resolution. Graefes Archive for Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. 246(4). 2008. 599-607
NEVALAINEN, J., PAETZOLD, J., KRAPP, E., VONTHEIN, R., JOHNSON, C.A., SCHIEFER, U.: The use of semi-automated kinetic perimetry (SKP) to monitor advanced glaucomatous visual field loss. Graefes Archive for Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology. 246(9). 2008. 1331-9
PAPAGEORGIOU, E., TICINI, L.F., HARDIESS, G., SCHAEFFEL, F., WIETHOELTER, H., MALLOT, H.A., BAHLO, S., WILHELM, B., VONTHEIN, R., SCHIEFER, U., KARNATH, H.-O.: The pupillary light reflex pathway: Cytoarchitectonic probabilistic maps in hemianopic patients. Neurology. 70. 2008. 956963
WAGNER, W., HEPPELMANN, G., VONTHEIN, R., ZENNER, HP.: Test-retest repeatability of distortion product otoacoustic emissions. Ear Hear. 29(3). 2008. 378-91
WAGNER, W., PLINKERT, PK ., VONTHEIN, R., PLONTKE, SK.: Fine structure of distortion product otoacoustic emissions: its dependence on age and hearing threshold and clinical implications. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2008